Sunday 11 August 2013

He really is the cutest baby ever born! (Perhaps I might be a little bias....)

Hey guys, 

This post is of a more personal nature, but I hope you all read it, enjoy it, (and help me out with the voting!) :)

As you probably know by now, I have a passion for photography. I have shared some images previously on this blog. I enjoy taking a range of different types of photos, but one of my favorite subjects to photograph is, without a doubt, my beautiful little nephew, Lucas. 

Born at just 29 weeks, I have watched this little man grow from a tiny, little baby into the smiley, cheeky, fun-loving character he is today, at just 8 months old. 

So, you may be thinking, "What does the previously mentioned 'voting' mean?" Well, Lucas has been entered into a Global Photo Competition, and as my loyal little readers, I thought I would ask you all to vote for him!

I have included the link below, and would really appreciate if you would take 30 seconds (or less) to follow the link and vote for him. 

Photo courtesy of Zoey A.
^ Doesn't that smile just melt your heart?!^

Thank you to all those who took the time to go on and vote, you guys rock!!

 He really is the cutest baby ever born! (Perhaps I might be a little bias....) 

- Bee xx


Wednesday 6 February 2013

Studio Arts - Photography Folio (Part 1)

Well, hello there,
Today I thought that I would compose a blog entry to introduce all you lovely readers to my Photography Folio 2013.
Being in a remote area, I had been somewhat limited as to what I could photograph, without travelling for hours or relying fully on other people to be available to photograph.
So, with all that in mind, I made the decision to focus on a subject matter which I have had constant exposure to, most of my life. It is, of course, Nature.
I have been continuously evolving my theme and ideas. I started with just the idea of "Macro in Nature" but have been developing it further, and am now looking at combining this with Non-Macro photography, as well as incorporating capturing Bugs, if I can. I will be drawing a lot of my inspiration from design elements and principles - such as movement, shape, colour and texture.
Nature photography is something that I have been passionate about for quite some time, and something that I have been experimenting with as a hobby in my own time.
Now that all that is out of the way, below I have included a few pages of my folio. Keep in mind that this is only the very start of my folio, and the photographs shown, are my research/inspiration sources (which come from a combination of ‘Google Images’ and ‘Pinterest.’ Enjoy!

An example of my title pages...

Four of my theme pacific Research pages.
(*My apologies about the angle of the photos, I was unable to scan the pages.*)
I hope to post more on my Folio progress and maybe even some sneak peak photographs, so stay tuned! :)
- Bee xx

Monday 28 January 2013

Simple Things Amuse Simple Minds...

Hey there readers,

It seems that I have been struck by the old saying:
"Inspiration hits you when you least expects it..."

Thoughts of what to post next had been running rampant in my mind, all day - resulting in only bits and pieces of ideas.

So, after giving up, and continuing to do research for my Photography class, I stumbled upon something. An (dodgy - unknown to me at the time) “Opinion Poll”, found on a professional Photographer’s web page.

The question read “Do you think *insert photographer’s name here* is Australia’s Best Nature Photographer. Yes or No.

I sat there, mouse hovering over the “yes” button, deep in thought. As I run through other Photographer’s names. I decided, that no, I wouldn’t say that this particular photographer was the best, as I drag my mouse across to ‘no’ and click. But nothing happened. I click again, only to realise, that once the mouse points to ‘no’, the button moves.
The idea of this type of thing, is not new, and many people have fallen victim to them before, but my thinking was like: “Huh, what is happening? This is a professional web page.”  But, I guess that was the aim of the poll, to trick people by the professional presentation.  I just wonder how many other people have fallen victim to the very same link. I know that I am a bit embarrassed to say that this did keep me quite amused, longer then one would hope.

You could say that “simple things amuse simple minds” but as for me? I am just going to blame it on being bored and overtired. J

- Bee xx

Thursday 13 December 2012

"Fighting The Villain" Interview.

Hey there readers,

Exciting news!!

As you may have known, I have been in the process of interviewing the 5-piece band from California, USA, by the name of "Fighting the Villain" for a while now, but now the interview is ready to be posted!!! (Exciting, I know.)
The Band: (from left to right) Cisco-Guitarist, Caitlyn Mae-Vocalist, Danny-Drummer, Miguel-Guitarist and Will-Bassist.
Photo sourced from:

Me: "What inspired you to form the band?"
Caitlyn Mae: "We have all shared a passion to play music. Although I did not start the band, we all wanted to be in a band and we all eventually came together."

Me: "Did you all know each other prior to forming the band?"
Caitlyn Mae: "Danny, Cisco and Miguel went to high school together and I met Cisco (who was looking for a vocalist) through a friend, and eventually Will came later as he was looking for a serious and dedicated band to join."

Me: "How did you come up with the name "Fighting the Villain"?"
Caitlyn Mae: "Miguel came up with the name "Fighting the Villain" from our favourite video game "Final Fantasy".

Me: "Do you all have a favourite song, that you have produced?"
Caitlyn Mae: "I think I can speak for all of us when I say our favourite song that we have recorded (which is currently un-realeased) is called "The Great Charlatan". We can all relate to the emotions that this song stirs up."

Me: "How do you go about writing new songs?"
Caitlyn Mae: "The writing process is like putting together the most epic story we can possibly think of. Everyone adds their own piece to it."

Me: "Who/what are you major influences?"
Caitlyn Mae: "Our fans, family, friends and other musicians. We love "Circa Survive", "Coheed and Cambria" and "Pierce the Veil" to name a few influences."

Me: "What is the best piece of advice you have all been given?"
Caitlyn Mae: "The best advice we have gotten would be to never give up on your dreams no matter the circumstance. We do not wish to go on living our lives [with] 'what if's'."

Me: "What is one piece of advice you would give to your listeners?"
Caitlyn Mae: "Always work hard at what you love."

Me: "What is a typical day in the lives of a 'Fighting the Villain' band member?"
Caitlyn Mae: "Our lives are not easy. We are definitely one of those bands that have had to work hard for everything we have gotten. There are many bands that have had everything handed to them, and we are still paying our dues. So hard. (Laughs) but we will never give up, which is why I love being in "Fighting the Villain." Its amazing being with a group of people that I can relate to so strongly and share the same dream with. We are all on the same page, and most bands DON'T have that. Which is why I believe we will become what we wish. We are all very poor. I don't want anyone to think we are rich. We all have "jobs" that we hate to help raise money for what we really want to do. We all have to quit our jobs to go on tour, and risk not paying bills,dropping out of school, being with significant others, missing out on family things, etc. But to us it's totally worth it. We have fans that believe in us and the only thing we want in the world is to be able to meet every single one of them because without them, without their support we would have nothing. They keep our dream alive."

Me: "Where do you see yourselves, and the band, in 5 years time?"
Caitlyn Mae: "I see us touring on a good label and being happy!"

Me: "Are there any annoying habits that other band members have, while on the road?"
Caitlyn Mae: "We all get pissed off at each other on the road but it is only temporary. We all know how to say sorry. Honestly we all love each other and have kind of figured out what exactly pushes one another's buttons. All the guys are pretty dirty and talk about gross stuff. (Laughs)."

Me: "What is the most memorable moment for you all?"
Caitlyn Mae: "We share many many memorable moments, one being the first time we played the Knitting Factory in Reno. It was a sold out show and was just amazing!."

I would like to thank "Fighting the Villain" for making the time to be interviewed for my blog, and taking the time to work with just a beginner and someone who is basically unknown, in the blogging world. An extended thank you, to Caitlyn Mae, for sitting through the interview and answering all the questions, not only in the interview, but also throughout the process of setting the interview up! 

Remember, if you did like this post, and would like to see more-or have a say, feel free to comment questions, comments, and the like, and I will get back to you. Likewise, if you wish to get into contact with the band, you can contact me, and I will put you in contact with them.

Well, that is all for now folks. If you have liked this interview, please do yourself a favor and check out the "Fighting the Villain" You-tube page on this link...

- Bee xx

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Update on coming posts.

Hey there loyal readers,

To those wondering when the 'Fighting the Villain' post will be up, well, it will be posted in the coming days.
I apologise for the wait, but once again the joys of technology have postponed it. But, now that the questions have been answered and almost everything is ready - Keep your eyes peeled! :)

The wait will be worth it. I promise. xx

Thank you

- Bee xx

Friday 2 November 2012

Upcoming: Studio Arts Presentation 1 - Photography.

Hello there,

Just a little sneak peek at an up-and-coming post, for all you little readers out there.

As part of my Studio Arts studies, I have been exploring the concept of 'Identity and Belonging', however, I tailored my theme around masquerade and masks. You may have seen some of my earlier work and photographs on here, a while back.

Well, after countless hours of work both spent on my portfolio, and my 3 presentations, I have finally held the last photo shoot, and handed in all my work.

So, as a conclusion to the photo shoot, and topic, I will be posting a few of my favourite photos from this shoot, in the coming days!

Stay tuned! :)

- Bee xx

Wednesday 22 August 2012


Just a short post to say, Yes, I AM still alive!

Just been VERY busy. However, there is good news! 

I have some two or three very exciting posts coming up in the near future! So, keep your eyes peeled!

Anyway, that is it from me, for now, but feel free to check in again soon!

-Bee xx